Monday 13 September 2021



  1. Hi Josh
    You have some really interesting facts on your blog especially about what to have in a Getaway Kit. I'm really happy to see you are reminding people to think about their pets :)

    Jude McCormick

  2. Kia Ora Josh,
    I think I could name the 5 closest volcanoes to my location but 10 would be a challenge. I like your clear instructions about how to use google maps to create a map. I think I will have to give it a try!

  3. Kia ora Josh, thank you for sharing your learning with us. I can see you have thought carefully about what to include in your Getaway Kit. Good thinking to include a first aid kit and items for your dog. (I would have to include things for my cat.)
    Kia pai tō rā. (Have a good day.)

  4. Kia ora Josh. Don't forget to give your post a title so you can easily find it if looking. Great work creating your get away kit. There is some very useful items in there. I'm sure the rugby ball will be a great source of entertainment for you.

  5. Hello josh, My name is 'Alamalia from room 8, I like your get away kit because all your stuff is really useful. What would you bring if you were trapped
    in a volcano and it was about to erupt?
